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The supply chain is fragmented

We’re changing that.

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Scheduling Standards Consortium

The Scheduling Standards Consortium (SSC) was formed to simplify the integration of systems across the fragmented ecosystem between shippers, carriers and intermediaries and create a more efficient appointment scheduling process.

We have published our initial scheduling requirements and are working on developing the API specification to be released later this year.

Together, we can move faster and have a greater impact in driving real change and adoption in the industry.

Let’s Drive Efficiency

truck in a storm

2023 Lookback & Accomplishments

December 5th, 2022

SSC officially launches

February – April 2023

Seven collaborators added to the consortium

March – May 2023

API requirements drafted in partnership with collaborators

May 2023

Industry-wide RFC run to collect feedback on the API requirements

June 2023

V1 API requirements published on

First draft of technical spec created

October 2023

Technical spec officially published to GitHub and

SSC Badge System

We’ve introduced a new badge system that recognizes SSC members who are driving innovation and efficiency in the freight industry. The Innovator and Early Adopter Badges distinguish industry participants who are actively contributing to the development and adoption of scheduling API standards.

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